Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Class Take Away 10

It was quite interesting seeing all the different interpretations of the "Who am I and Why am I here" assignment.  I especially like the one where the student started examining the Who am I in terms of of whole universe. Going off that, it can make a person fearful about what the point of them having existed in all of it.  However, I don't think that should be an excuse for not doing you love to do and finding your true self to get the most out of your life. 

It seems like it was pretty evenly split between the people who took the assignment a little more in literal sense and the people who took it a little more in a spiritual/different sense. It makes me wonder if the people who did it more literal are the people who may be more likely to follow the rules of society more than the people who are looking at it in a spiritual/different way. All in all hearing all the different interpretations definitely will help me in thinking of whats really important in examining who i am and why i am here. 

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