Tuesday, October 28, 2014

ClassTakeaway 8

Again this ended up being a very weird and fun class day. The thing that really stuck out the most in the class discussion was "identity".  We are all pretty much conditioned to think of identity as labels, such as our name or something like girlfriend/boyfriend and man/woman. As creative thinkers, we tend to see past those labels and begin to wake up and realize that identity is not just about labels. Labels, mostly bad ones, always end up hurting a person.  Either it breaks them down causing them mental pain or it physically hurts them if people tend to avoid a person because of a label. 

I do typically think of people with only the basic of labels like their name.  After that I usually look at the actions they do within society and tend to look at those types of things on whether to not be around certain people. I don't stick labels on them by their actions, I use my inner judgement/opinions on things that I don't really care for. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Five obstacles to creating my altered book:

1. Time:  Let's be honest this is probably the number one obstacle for anybody.  Balancing personal life, school class time, homework, and in my case playing video games is really tough and I always try to prioritize more important classes like my modeling classes first.  That usually leaves me with not a lot of time for other homework.

2. Creative block: A lot of times I can't think of creative things to do on random objects. In this case transforming a negative book into something positive is just not working to well for me.

3. No motivation: The class is great in helping me trying to think of creative things in different ways, so I'm glad I'm in the class. However, in all honesty I have trouble giving time to classes that don't have a huge use in me getting a job in the game industry.

4. Lack of resources: I want to do the altered book with only things that I have available at my house. And for the idea I have now I'm not sure I would be able to do that.

5. Stress: With having not a lot of time to work on the altered book and even other homework creates so much stress for me.  I try to feed off of my stress to get things done, but sometimes I find myself spending an hour just thinking about homework and the stress of not getting it done before I even do anything.

Three "What Ifs" to overcome these obstacles:

1. What if I take a week or so where I prioritize the altered book/class more than I normally would.

2. What if as I do 3D modeling, where my creativity is flowing more, I think about the altered book to hopefully bring out some more creative ideas or how to do what I want in a more creative way.

3. What if take 10 minutes and just take deep breaths and really tell myself to do the homework, and try and push aside all the stress.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Flavor of Creativity

The food that I ate that I had never tried before was a pickle.  I've never tried one mostly because I never liked the smell of them.  So I never really knew if I liked them or not, but I always assumed I would hate them.  And I was right, I don't like them. For me I could get a taste of sour, salty, and bitter all in one.  Mostly the sourness was the dominant taste for it though for me. Pickles are slick and a tad slimy from the juice. So they are not something that is hard to chew or get down. They have a slight vinegar smell to them and also they not only taste sour but they smell it too a little bit. 

So, I decided to create a 3d model that looked sour as well as texturing with the colors chosen in our little class scavenger hunt. The model is literally the absolute worst in terms of polygons and flow.  Mostly you keep the polygons all 4 sided.  This model has 3 sided, 4 sided, and 5 sided. And they have no flow. It may not seem like it to others, but this model looks sour to me. It's just not very good. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Class Takeaway 6

Hmm, so we were able to go outside on a little scavenger hunt.  We were suppose to walk around the IT building and pick a color that fit with the senses and what emotion we felt at that time. I say this every time, but I am always surprised at what happens in class. It's a good thing not knowing what will happen this time or the next time. It's a huge departure from the normal classes that we all take.  Saying that, I found the "scavenger hunt" exercise to be interesting. It made me pay attention to all my senses at once as well as being aware of an emotion each sense may invoke.  The best parts of the class is when we have to think about things in different ways and open ourselves up to new and crazy things.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Bible" Dipping

Honestly I literally could not think of anything do to with the word "more".  So what I did was just find words that could be created with the letter "m o r e" and as well as that I wrote the word over and over into a diamond shaped pattern. I just could not think of anything so this is what I had to settle with. Taking a word and turning it into something creative is not something I usually find easy.