Well, it has now been one of the most interesting and random class days I have every had out of every single class I had taken. There is no way to ever guess at what the class will entail until it's actually happening. We went from one student having to teach the class, but him flipping it on us to where we had to teach him something without the use of internet or doing any sort of report. We had a paper claw for a finger made. A circular paper airplane the blew my mind. An acted out how to survive in a horror movie. One that decided to break his rule by not doing anything since he broke the rule of him teaching us. And more.
Then we all were told that everyone is worthless and we are replaced by every 4 seconds by a new baby being born. Made for some really good laughs for the rest of the class. After that we went showing our rule breaking experiments which were really interesting to look at and see.
All in all this was a really hard class to just have one takeaway this time since the whole class was pretty awesome.
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